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Recap of the last few months 2021/2022

Many things have been happening over the last few months and I should spend more time writing on my blog, but I guess I did not find the time. As most of you know, I am teaching full time, and afterwork I come to my studio for a couple of hours. At the end of the day there is very little time to write on social media, and on a blog in particular.

So let's see what happened over the past few months:

1- I had one piece of art at the International exhibition in Phuket, Thailand. Even though I was not able to attend in person, I was able to send my artwork there for the show. I hope the borders will soon re-open so we can resume our travels to Thailand as artists.

2- I had several of my works in this wonderful exhibition in Shenzhen this past December.

I was invited to be one of the artists at the Index & Auras exhibit. The venue was fantastic and it was an amazing gathering of artists.

3- One of my artworks from my Cocoon series was selected to be in the winter Issue of ASPZ under the theme RÊVERIES. It was an honor to have, for the second time, one of of my works featured in this unique magazine

4- Last but not least, I am extremely happy to announce that my newest book is now available! I have spent days and months working on it, and it is now ready. I was able to do this with the help of Visual Distillery in Montreal, and I am particularly proud of having some writings by Diana Roman (artist and curator) and Martin Bradley (founder of The Blue Lotus magazine). The book for now is available here in China, in English, but I will soon have a bilingual (English/French) edition available in North America. If you have not done so yet, you can contact me to reserve your copy. It is a 118 pages, full colours with more than 50 reproductions of the work I have done over the past 3 years in China.

I will also be busy during the coming months as I have a group exhibition in Hangzhou next month, Sponsored by Galerie Holarte and curated by the president of l'Union des artistes d'Asie en France, and I will have my first solo.. show with Galerie Holarte in April of this year.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that my work is represented by Galerie Uno in Quebec city, and that you can also find my work for sale on Saatchi as well as on Singulart.

The book will soon be avalable here, or on




COVADAAV/Francoise Issaly

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