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Février 214

So I know, I have been silent for weeks now. My escuse is that, for some reasons, I could not figure out how to add a post, and also because I have been super busy since I came back from Vermont. My residency was absolutly fantastic! I spent my days painting, and thinking about painting, as well as meeting really interesting artists, whom I am looking forward to stay in touch with in the future.

As soon as I got back I had classes to teach, and a catalog to put together (Yes you can order a copy, either by following the link here , or by contacting me if you are in Canada), and organizing my new show at Gallery Zephyr, here in Montreal.

You can see some of the images on my fanpage and also on the gallery's page. A lot of people came to the opening, it was a fantastic evening!! Thanks to all who came!

This post is going to be short because I have so many other things to do in the next couple of weeks, many things are coming my way and I will keep you posted.

Wishing all of you a great day.




COVADAAV/Francoise Issaly

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